Labeling innovation community for futuristic insights

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labelnet Virtual Autumn Forum – Day One

Date: November 06, 2024

The theme for the labelnet Autumn Virtual Forum Day One will be announced shortly.

For more information please contact

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labelnet Virtual Autumn Forum – Day Two

Date: November 07, 2024

The theme for the labelnet Autumn Virtual Forum Day Two will be announced shortly.

For more information please contact

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labelnet Face-to-Face Autumn Forum

Date: November 13, 2024

Place: New York

The theme for the labelnet Face-to-Face Autumn Forum will be announced shortly.

For more information please contact

Heads of Labeling of Top 35 Life Science Companies Network Here

A network for Heads of Labeling of Top 35 life science companies; invests in thought leadership to help shape future practices.

Established in 2011, labelnet provides an open, confidential platform for Labeling leaders to network, debate, benchmark performance, share and develop best practices across the full labeling lifecycle.


Exclusive benefits for- Who should join?

Heads of Labeling and senior leaders responsible for deploying the Labeling strategy within their organization.

Prime Access to Labeling Insights as a part of the only global Labeling network:

  • Unparalleled networking opportunities through twice-yearly forums, Heads of Labeling Strategic Satellite sessions, working groups and member-driven scientific community
  • Annual benchmark, with one-to-one meetings to explore insights, relative performance, and improvement opportunities
  • Technology showcase events driven by member cases to discover cutting edge utilisations of technology, new approaches and collaborations

Unique Access to Key Insights - Why join?

Network with your peers

Network with your peers

Future proof your processes & systems

Future proof your processes & systems

Compare and improve performance

Compare and improve performance

Drive the strategic value of Labeling

Drive the strategic value of Labeling

Get in touch

Insights and innovations in the labeling space

Digital patient-centric labeling – opportunities to accelerate

  • Understanding the complex global digital landscape - regulations, influencing groups, and key stakeholders
  • Identifying and sharing experiences with digital pilots, for labeling and partner functions
  • Mapping the patient journey – how digital labeling could enhance the patient experience
  • Most labelnet members expect to achieve their digital aspirations by 2025 - what is the industry digital roadmap, how does this compare with Regulator ambitions and where/how will value be delivered?

Target Labeling – the label as a driver for clinical development

  • Sharing insights into current target labeling processes and approaches – around a third of labelnet members start early label development at Phase I – what have they learnt?
  • What has been the impact and implications of target labeling
  • Identifying practical and measurable success measures – to show the value of labeling
  • Driving efficiency through shared best practices and tools/templates
  • Where next for target labeling – how can early labeling involvement deliver benefits for patients and industry?

Workforce and Talent - taking our labeling organizations to the next level

  • Identifying how labeling organizations are evolving – the balance between centralized and decentralized
  • Companies are strengthening collaboration and oversight with affiliates to build a global process and aligned workforce
  • Emerging roles and key capabilities for labeling signal a shift to more technical skills – what are the key attributes of a future labeling professional and what is the development pathway?
  • labelnet members cite sourcing and retaining skilled talent as a key operational challenge – what strategies are companies employing to address the talent scarcity conundrum?

Managing workload amid global Complexity

  • Workload pressures continue at both global and local levels – with key challenges coming from regulatory complexity and increasing numbers of labeling variations impacting capacity
  • Complex, divergent regulatory requirements create a further resource burden, especially at the local level where members need to be monitor for any changes and align core documents with local HA requirements
  • Labeling is involved in a wide range of HA inspections (GvP, GCP, GMP, GDP) with companies being involved in 11 inspections on average over the last 3 years

The drive for efficiency

  • Industry is looking at outsourcing/offshoring, streamlining the End-to-End process and use of automation as levers to drive efficiency, amid static FTEs and increasing workload
  • Typically, companies deploy outsourcing to drive capacity – in 2019 88% of labelnet members outsourced at least 25% of their portfolio
  • The quest for excellence, quality, and compliance is driving members to focus on process optimization strategies and leveraging technology to support labeling activities as demonstrated by robust performance metrics

The promise of RIM-enabled End-to-End labeling yet to be realized

  • The average number of different technologies used across the End-to-End process by an individual company is 13, a mix of platform, client, and bespoke software
  • RIM solution providers have found labeling specific requirements challenging to deliver at pace leaving industry to provision work-arounds and integrations
  • The promise of automation, structured content management, and a more data-driven approach by regulators are all being pursued by early adopters with increasing success