Over 300 members attend the June New York and London Nets Forum Meetings

Throughout June, Navitas Life Sciences hosted a series of forum meetings in London and New York across our expanding portfolio of industry leading networks...

Princeton, 27 June 2018:

Throughout June, Navitas Life Sciences hosted a series of forum meetings in London and New York across our expanding portfolio of industry leading networks – pvnet, pvconnect, pvtech, labelnet, labelconnect, labeltech and rimnet.

  • 14 forum meetings across two locations – London and New York
  • Over 300-member participants, representing 67 life sciences companies
  • Latest industry thinking, future trends with benchmark data, and over 30-member case studies resulted in rich dialogue across all our meetings; with an 87%-member satisfaction rating
  • Emerging hot topics across our networks include:
    • The shift to value – remains top of mind for industry leaders, with transformation agendas and emergent capability requirements a priority strategic focus
    • The search for automated solutions continues, with fresh examples of industry pilots and proof of concepts, the journey is underway.  Members shared their experiences, lessons learned, and future directions for transformative digital initiatives
    • Amidst ongoing shifts in sourcing strategies and technology investments, talent management now moves to the forefront of industry leaders’ minds.  Future strategies center on how to build new capability and release capacity to focus on value add activity
    • Regulatory intelligence has emerged as a new point of discussion, driving members to share ideas on how to scan, filter, and derive insight on the ever-shifting regulatory landscape – keeping abreast of RoW and emerging markets remains a constant challenge
    • The patient moves to center stage…with discussions on how to bring and embed the patient voice into core PV, labeling, and regulatory processes
    • End-to-End medical governance – the importance of a joined-up approach to governance across functions, processes and ever-expanding groups of internal and external stakeholders

We also featured a unique technology showcase to build an End-to-End labeling technology landscape vision and explore a range of industry tools and emerging solutions for our labelnet and labelconnect communities:

  • 44 members attended the meetings in New York and London
  • Highlights of the industry vision for success included:
    • A true End-to-End solution, i.e. signal to patient
    • A one stop shop with a single, simple, and intuitive user interface (for ALL users across functions and globally)
    • Seamless integration across tools, e.g. workflow, tracking, content, translations, artwork, etc.
    • Single, real-time dashboard of metrics for reporting
  • 4 vendor presentations – identified and structured based on the fit of capabilities with the Industry User Requirement Specifications designed by labeltech members
  • The meeting triggered lively discussion and debate, with many questions answered and ideas generated, with some shared challenges still to be addressed:
    • Availability of tools
    • Process complexity and range of users to accommodate
    • End-to-End data governance
    • Shifting mindset, to ensure buy-in and full engagement

This community, now known as labeltech, will meet on a regular basis seeking strategies to address technology challenges and derive transformative and disruptive new labeling technology solutions. Look out for the next labeltech meeting.